
Neue Kunstwerke verschönern unsere Kita-Wände


New Artworks Adorn Our Kita Walls

We are delighted to announce that our Kita is now adorned with new, beautiful wall murals. These vibrant and inspiring artworks were created by the talented artist Mona Ragy Enayat from Leipzig.

Mona Ragy Enayat, a renowned artist from a family of artists in Cairo, studied painting and art history at Helwan University and continued her education in Leipzig. Since 1992, she has lived and worked as a freelance artist in Leipzig. Her works are known for their color intensity and creativity, with a strong connection to Leipzig’s art scene.

The new murals in our Kita showcase a variety of themes perfectly suited to the needs and interests of our young students. From colorful animal worlds to enchanting fairytale landscapes and abstract patterns, the artworks invite wonder and exploration.

Mona Ragy Enayat has created a warm and inspiring atmosphere with her art, captivating both children and adults alike. Her ability to harmoniously combine colors and shapes is evident in every piece, enhancing our daily Kita life.

We also extend our heartfelt thanks to Ms. Enayat for her support and look forward to her next trip to Cairo, where she will beautify the primary school floor with additional artworks.

Visit us and be enchanted by the magical art world in our Kita. A big thank you to Mona Ragy Enayat for her wonderful work!

For more information about Mona Ragy Enayat, click here.