Parents complete the registration form either online (via Registration -> Online Registration) or directly at the school office.

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General registration procedure
Registration procedure in case of a change of school (within Egypt)
Parents must bring school transfer documents from the previous school to the enrollment to enable the school transfer.
Enrollment Procedures for Changing Schools (Outside Egypt)
Parents must request documentation from the Ministry and submit it at the time of registration to enable school transfer.
Is school transportation provided?
Yes, school transportation is provided. Depending on which part of town the students are traveling from, the cost will vary. Parents should contact us directly for more information.
What is the artistic profile? How is it lived at the school?
The artistic education has a high priority at Rahn Schulen Cairo and is based on the philosophy of Rahn Education, which has this profile at many locations. As a German school abroad, we see the artistic profile both as an opportunity for international cooperation and as a deepening of language acquisition. Already in our preschool in the kindergarten the children get a musical offer. In our elementary school, choir is also integrated into our schedule as an extended subject from grades 3 to 8, in addition to school music lessons. Ballet and dance classes are also included in the schedule from grades 1 to 6. In the secondary school there is also an additional band offer. In the upper school (IB), our artistic profile is also intensively implemented through the subject CAS (Creativity - Service - Action).
Are the students at Rahn Schools Cairo taught bilingually?
Except for the subjects Arabic, Arabic History and Religion, which are taught in Arabic, and of course the foreign languages, English and French, all subjects are taught in German.
What other languages are taught at Rahn Schools Cairo?
In addition to German and Arabic, students are also taught English and French. English is taught from the 1st grade and French from the 6th grade. Students take the internationally recognized French DELF exam in 10th grade and receive a language certificate.
What is the curriculum at Rahn Schools Cairo?
Our curriculum is based on that of the state of Brandenburg. Both the distribution of lessons, subjects and content are based on the German curricular regulations of Brandenburg. You can find the regulation under the following link.
When do classes begin and end at Rahn Schools Cairo?
Classes begin at 7:30 am and end at 2:30 pm. In addition, our German Music School Cairo offers a wide range of extracurricular activities in the instrumental area.
Do parents need to be able to speak German?
No. However, it is still useful for parents to support the child's language development (by learning the language themselves or with exposure to German culture, books, movies, etc.).
Can I register my child during the school year?
Generally, you can enroll your child at any time by completing the online registration at the following link. Only after passing an entrance test and assuming a spot is available in the desired grade level will registration take place.
How can I view the content of the classes?
We use a digital class book in which all our teachers enter their lessons including homework. You can take a look at the SWOP digital class book here.
What activities and events are offered at Rahn Schools Cairo?
We celebrate the traditional German festivals with the students: St. Martin's Day, St. Nicholas' Day, Christmas, Carnival, and also Easter. In December there is also a Christmas market. Usually there is also a final concert at the end of the school year. The traditional festivals of Egypt such as Ramadan are also celebrated. There are also project weeks, reading competitions, sports days, music events, hiking days, and sports and art projects.
What should I do if my child is sick?
If a child is ill and cannot attend school that day, parents inform the school office by calling or emailing the school. The school office will then notify the appropriate classroom teacher with the notation in the digital gradebook. Please provide a written excuse.
Is there a school uniform?
Yes, in our dress code, children wear a school t-shirt from kindergarten to school.
subject area IB
Which certificate is the school is awarding?
International Baccalaureate Diploma.
What is the difference between IB and Abitur?
Abitur is a German degree. All subjects are taught in German, except for the languages.
IB is an international diploma that is accepted worldwide. Some subjects are taught in English and some in German.
How many subjects are in IB?
Each student must study 6 subjects:
- Language A (Arabic or German)
- Language B (English)
- Social studies (history or business)
- Sciences (chemistry, biology and/or physics)
- The arts (or an additional science or an additional language)
Beside the 6 subjects there are the core subjects (Extended essay, Theory of knowledge and creativity, activity and service)
Is the IB diploma accepted in all universities in Egypt?
Yes, the main requirement is taking the English language must be one of the 6 subjects and that you receive a min of 24 marks. Some faculties have some restrictions on the subject choices like engineering, medicine,..etc.
For more details, please read our handbook that is published on our website or contact our IB coordinator through her email:
Arabic colloquium
Are national subjects taught in school?
Rahn Schools Cairo is committed to teaching the national identity subjects of the Ministry of Education (Arabic language, religious education, social studies, national education) from first to twelfth grade.
Is the Arabic language taught in kindergarten?
The Arabic language is taught through educational games, stories and narratives to enrich the children's native language. It is also taught academically in preparation for the child's enrollment in school.
What are the recognized certificates of the Ministry of Education in which the student is tested?
For the preparatory and secondary diplomas in the subjects National Identity, which are under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, an examination is conducted.
What is the situation of students from abroad regarding the study of national subjects?
If the student coming from abroad has a foreign citizenship, he/she receives a complete exemption from the study of identity documents.
In the case of dual citizenship, the student also receives a full exemption from the study of identity materials.
If the student is returning from abroad from a non-Arabic speaking country, he/she will receive a gradual exemption.
Do the certificates equivalent to general secondary education not require the student to pass the Ministry of Education’s general secondary education examination?
The submission of the secondary general education equivalent exam is mandatory for all students, including those who have earned the high school diploma.
How old my child has to be
a) for Kinderkrippe/Babyclass
3 years by the end of august (31.08. of the entrance year)b) for KG 1
4 years by end of august (31.08. of the entrance year)c) for KG 2 Vorschule
5 years by end of august (31.08. of the entrance year)When is application time
a) for KG 1 and KG 2 Vorschule
starting by end of November of the previous yearb) Kinderkrippe/Babyclass
starting by mid january of the the coming school yearWhat are the costs of this school
you can find an overview of all costs in the school´s online information brochure