Mission IB
Dear Parents,
The mission of the Rahn Schools is to educate and encourage their students to become inspiring and compassionate people who are committed to the wellbeing of all and sustainable development of the world.
11th and 12th grade students from the Rahn Schools in Cairo take part in the preparatory classes for the IB. The students learn a foreign language A (Arabic or German) and a foreign language B (English), history and one of the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, or physics), mathematics and visual arts or a similar combination of these subjects, depending on the needs and requirements Interests of the student.
In the bilingual language program of the Rahn Schools in Cairo, history and biology are taught in German.
In addition, all students take part in extracurricular activities – the CAS program (Creativity, Activity / Action and Service) – activity, creativity and commitment, which is the main component of the IB.
The learning content of the program includes participation in the subject Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and the writing of a scientific paper (EE-Extended Essay).
In the heart of our IB school, the Rahn Schools Cairo, all learners and teaching staff work together and thus create an environment for real-life development.
Marwa Afifi
a) What is the IB Diploma Program?
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is an internationally recognized school leaving certificate awarded by the Geneva-based private foundation International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The IBO is a not-for-profit educational non-profit organization founded in 1968 in Geneva. The IB Diploma Program is recommended by the world's leading universities. Essentially, during the two-year educational program, the students learn two foreign languages, knowledge of the natural sciences, networked thinking and socially committed action. Language courses, the completion of the subject Theory of Knowledge and participation in extracurricular activities as well as the writing of a scientific thesis on a freely selectable topic serve this purpose. The IB Diploma is a university entrance qualification with an international focus and gives graduates access to globally recognized universities.
b) What does the IBDP offer students?
By acquiring the IBDP, participants gain internationally recognized university entrance. The students develop physically, mentally, emotionally and also morally in an excellent manner. You study at least two foreign languages, grow beyond yourself in traditional academic subjects and learn a deeper understanding of knowledge and philosophy. If the mentioned requirements are not passed, the students receive an IB certificate, which certifies all courses that have been passed.
c) Why do we offer the IB Diploma Program?
International studies have shown that there are many benefits to opting for the IB Diploma Program at school. For example: IBDP students are better able to cope with demanding work tasks, plan their time and meet set requirements. Studies of IBDP students in Canada, the UK, and the United States showed that writing the Extended Essay (EE) as part of the Diploma program improved entry into higher education learning. According to a study published in 2003, 72% of China's IBDP graduates attended one of the world's top 500 universities.
IBDP courses at the Rahn schools in Cairo
Main courses
- Creativity, Activity and Engagement (CAS - Creativity, Action, Service)
- Epistemology (TOK - Theory of Knowledge)
- Detailed technical work (EE - Extended Essay)
Group 1
German and Literature (SL/HL)
Arabic and Literature (SL/HL)
Group 2
English (SL/HL)
Group 3
History (SL/HL)
Group 4
Biology (SL/HL)
Chemistry (SL/HL)
Physics (SL/HL)
Group 5
Mathematics (SL/HL)
Group 6
Fine Arts (SL/HL)
SL = Standard Level | 4 hours per week
HL = Higher Level | 6 hours per week
IB World School Contact Information:
Telephone school office: +20 22 7252555
E-mail Address: ib.coordinator.egypt@rahn.education
Website: http://www.ibo.org
The promise to your children is