
CAS- Project Street Dogs

As one of the three essential elements of the IB diploma the students have to complete the subject CAS (creativity, activity, service). The subject is a mixture of creative thinking, physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle and an unpaid and voluntary exchange that has a learning benefit for the students.

This year the students are focusing on the vaccination and sterilization of the street dogs close to the school building.

The project takes place over the whole school year. First the students have raised money for the vaccinations and sterilizations through various activities, such as selling drinks and snacks during the breaks, in which they were also supported by various other classes. At the end of March, they could see the first big successes and the first 5 dogs came out of the hospital and went happily and healthily back on the streets. As a sign of recognition, the dogs received an earring with a number.

Soon we will move on and the next 5 dogs will be taken to the hospital. In addition to their CAS teacher Frau Lamia, the students are also supported by our primary school teacher Frau Dunja, who is a trained veterinarian and is participating since a long time for the rescue of street dogs in Cairo.